Saturday, November 22, 2008

"Fishing the Styx"

I finished the new story and it's a big relief off my shoulders. This is one of the most difficult stories I've ever written. I think it's good, I think it might sell, but it was a tough one to write.

It could have gone either way: delve into comedy or be stuck in an act of self-pretension. Not surprising given the content and I wanted to straddle that line and just get a good story written. So it was a struggle. But I've finally finished it and can now turn my attention to a new Haxan story.

I'll let this current story lie fallow for about a week before I do any rewriting. I usually do this. Distance of time and space allows me fresh insight when I open up a story I've just finished and I'm able to do my editorial work without getting lost in the "newness" of the piece.

So all in all I'm satisfied about that and now looking for something new to work on. There are a few ideas banging around in the attic of my mind. I'll probably get some old stories sent out to new magazines and then start toying with starting another story. Again, like I said, one almost certainly to be set in the Haxan world.

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