Friday, May 29, 2009

WOO HOO! Drops of Crimson Accepted A Story!

Drops of Crimson accepted my YA dark fantasy story "The Gate Between Worlds"! This is way cool. I really love this story and I love the protagonist: a six-foot, sixteen-year old Buddhist nun who has difficulty living up to her vow of non-violence. Oh, and there's a New Orleans obeah with a degree in anthropology, a gruesome murder, a Fried Chicken King who sells honey biscuits, and one or two zombies in the mix.

No, not the flesh-eating kind, but zombies as they were traditionally envisioned.

So. Yeah. Buddhist nun and zombies. Oh, and honey biscuits. What's not to like?

I'll post a link when the story goes live. Hope you enjoy it!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

"Haxan" Podcast Poll

Beneath Ceaseless Skies is having a poll whether to podcast my story "Haxan" or some other story. If you have time could you please go over there, register as a member (it's free) and vote for "Haxan"? Thank you!

Monday, May 25, 2009

New Haxan Banner!

[info]wedschilde created an awesome Haxan banner for my website. I'd really like for you to take a look and tell me (and her) what you think. I believe she captured Haxan perfectly. And when you go to the website and click on the banner it brings you directly to the Haxan page. How cool is that? (George Jetson would be envious of the ease which surrounds our lives, although he does have that flying bubble car and automatic dog walker.)

Oh, other new stuff on the website, too, including a new sample story "Hour of the Tiger" which was my first Sugawara story ever published and some other little bits and pieces, links to other articles and stuff. But, imo, that Haxan banner rocks.

Man. If that's not reason enough to party right there then I dont know what is. Have a good Monday and a great Memorial Day! :)


Friday, May 1, 2009

"Sea Devil" Goes Live in Drops of Crimson!!!

Woo hoo! My story about Sugawara the samurai has just gone live in Drops of Crimson Magazine. Click on the link below and you can read how Sugawara takes down the sea devil. Hope you like it! Check out the other fiction in the magazine, too. :)