Friday, May 29, 2009

WOO HOO! Drops of Crimson Accepted A Story!

Drops of Crimson accepted my YA dark fantasy story "The Gate Between Worlds"! This is way cool. I really love this story and I love the protagonist: a six-foot, sixteen-year old Buddhist nun who has difficulty living up to her vow of non-violence. Oh, and there's a New Orleans obeah with a degree in anthropology, a gruesome murder, a Fried Chicken King who sells honey biscuits, and one or two zombies in the mix.

No, not the flesh-eating kind, but zombies as they were traditionally envisioned.

So. Yeah. Buddhist nun and zombies. Oh, and honey biscuits. What's not to like?

I'll post a link when the story goes live. Hope you enjoy it!

1 comment:

Jenn Nixon said...

Congrats!!!! WOO HOO!