Thursday, September 11, 2008

Let's Play Catch Up While We Have The Chance

I'm finally getting over this bronchial crud I've had. It's the first day in about a week I've felt halfway human. Assuming I ever was. There's occasionally discussion of that from time to time. I have my own views.

I know I'm feeling better. I'm thinking about the story again and want to set the end of the week down as a timetable to finish. Pesky timetables! But I feel I can do this without driving myself into a relapse.

In other news: I'm about to hit the wall over Obama. I don't think he understands he's in a fight for his life. He'd better wake up. But you know what? If he doesn't, fine, I'm moving on and done with the Democrats. I'm already a Cubs fan. I don't need Double Losers in my life. Hell, and I'm a writer. That's Triple Loser. Sheesh. Cut me some slack, Universe.

I want coffee. I ate breakfast today which was a big difference from the rest of the week being sick and all, but I didn't have any coffee. To be truthful I probably feel better for not having all that caffeine flowing through my veins. Maybe I should rethink this.

I heard Five Star dropped their SF/F line. Bummer, but not surprising. Mystery and romance pay better and are easier to sell to libraries. SF (I can't speak as much for fantasy) has always been the redheaded stepchild of literature. They keep trying to pretend they're not, but they are and it's a reality we who work in the genre have to live with. Of course, how Hollywood depicts the genre doesn't help much, either. Most people think SF is all about bug-eyed monsters and rocket ships. Good luck trying to get that shit published nowadays.

It's been raining a lot lately and now it looks like we're get some over-splash from Hurricane Ike. All this wet weather isn't helping my cough and chest congestion any. Well, like I said, this post is pretty much all about me.

Chester went to the vet last Friday. He has a rash on his tummy, but it's nothing just a reaction to the grass. The vet wasn't concerned.

I've let slip through my fingers the last week getting my stories out to editors. Gotta get back on track with that, too.

Okay, time for some lunch. I see hot soup and crackers in my future.

Now. Wasn't that painless? Just say "yes" and move on. It's what I often do to keep myself quiet. :)

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