Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Clearing the Decks

I've finished edits for both "High Moon" and "Till Death Do Us Part" and now I'm turning my attention to my next story. I'm writing these things faster than I can get 'em out to magazines for consideration. Which, I suppose, is better than not having stories to submit. But I expect I'll do some mailings either tomorrow or next day before the weekend arrives and get some of them out.

I know I said I was going to write something different, but let's face it: I'm stuck in Haxan. I like the characters and I like the setting and I'm nowhere near done telling stories about them. But I've also got a list of other story ideas and there is one or two that've been knocking around in my brain. I'll review my list tomorrow when I meet my writing buddy and see what I want to write about next.

I'm not particularly worried, just kind of curious what the next story is going to be about.

But if I were you I'd put my money on Haxan. Just saying.

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