Monday, July 28, 2008

Once More Into the Breach....

I did about a thousand words on the new Haxan story this morning. I'd like to wrap that puppy up next week. Oh, and it's time for me to send out the next batch of query letters, too, so I've got that hanging over my head as well. I'm getting a lot of personal feedback on those and the trend is the same: economy sucks, no one is buying. It seems the agents themselves are unsure as to what the future is going to be like in the publishing world.

Like I said, I've heard this from three or four agents already. I have no reason to think they're lying to me. Three or four others have told me they're intrigued by my novel idea, but too busy to take it on. The remainder are of the "Dear Author" category. But this is the most personal response I've ever gotten from a query letter so I believe this common thread I'm seeing in responses is one I should factor in.

So the sucksville economy is now impacting the publishing world to some degree. Great. Like writing isn't difficult enough.

And you only have to go into a grocery store to see how suckery the economy is. Price of food and price of gas is hammer-fucking everyone up the ass. I've also noticed there is less traffic even at peak times on the roads. A lot of people simply can't afford to drive. And don't even get me started on postage rates.

Everything personal-wise with me is fine. I'm just tired. Mostly tired. I was going to a baseball game tonight but I think I'm going to stay home and catch up on some sleep or maybe read a little and relax. Over the last two weeks I've been feeling worn down. I have to try and reverse that trend; maybe that will help me with my sleeping patterns. We'll see.

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