Sunday, April 26, 2009

"High Moon" Sold to Beneath Ceaseless Skies!

Beneath Ceaseless Skies bought my story "High Moon" yesterday. It's one of the Haxan series and actually gives a little peek into Marwood's distant past. (Assuming he's just not slap crazy and imagining all this which is always a possibility.)

And there's more! I have three new character biographies on my Haxan webpage. Yay! Free content! So check it out, please, and read about Black Sky, Dr. Rex Toland, and Hew and Alma Jean Clay, all citizens of Haxan. (Some more reputable than others, thank you very much, but that's Haxan for you.)

So far so good this week. Patrick had a good baseball game yesterday with a hit and assist to tag out a runner on first base. They lost the game but he was excited about how well he played. I placed a Sugawara story with Drops of Crimson, sold a new Haxan story to Beneath Ceaseless Skies and have new Haxan biographies posted for fans. Later today I'll have BBQ chicken, chili hot beans, potato salad and vodka gimlets to celebrate.

Much excitement in the Hoover Clan! Woo HOO!

1 comment:

mariedavis said...

You are invited to "Writer's Day" May 1 -- a day when each writer writes about writing on their blog. Hope to read you soon...