Saturday, August 16, 2008

Tricky Endings

"High Moon" is coming along slowly. The ending is tricky. It's one of those endings that if I don't get right the reader will say, "Well, that was dumb" and I'm trying to avoid that for obvious reasons. Hence, the "tricky" part.

It's like feeling your blind way through a hall of Jell-O. Sure, you can push your way out, but it's better to follow the path, I think. Squishy, though.


Lara said...

... and yummy -- unless it's lime (egad)

I'm guessing you didn't make it to Denvention?

Just came across your blog(s). Look forward to reading more of your words.


Kenneth Mark Hoover said...

Thanks! I've had a cold lately so I haven't written much. Just now getting over it. :D