Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Partial Request

Today an agent asked to see a partial of my novel. That's good. I don't mind being in the position of letting my writing speak for itself. I can live with that: Stand or fall on my writing alone. Even if nothing comes from this request, it tells me my query letter is a good one: she was intrigued. That's progress right there.

After I take care of this office work I might go out on the deck and see where this new short story is taking me. I'm kind of in a stuck place with it at the moment but I'm not worried. I'll see where the story wants to push through eventually and as long as it's a logical direction I'll help it along. I see a glimmer...not more than that, but it might be enough.

So far I've enjoyed writing these Haxan stories. I really don't care if any of them get published because I'm having so much fun writing them. I think they will find a home, sooner or later, but just feeling this way about writing is something I haven't experienced in a long, long time.

So I'm going to keep writing them and see where they take me. As long as I enjoy writing them I don't see myself stopping.

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